Digital Factory: From Digital Production to Smart Production

Industry 4.0, digital factory, digital production, smart factory – the terms vary, but there is a common approach behind them: industrial companies need to digitalize their existing production approaches. Fast. Cost-efficiently. Securely. We take your production into the digital age.

Rely on us on your way to a digital and smart factory

The digital and smart factory is a central concept in modern industrial production, characterized by the integration of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics/automation and big data analytics. The networking of machines and systems is essential to enable a continuous flow of data and to successfully realize the idea of more efficient and flexible production. 

We support you in each step – from the initial idea to successful commissioning:

Four questions to Stephan Lausterer, Head of Software Core Engineering & Product Development

  • Analysis of the existing production infrastructure
  • Strategy and holistic planning
  • Selection of technologies
  • Data acquisition and management
  • Pilot projects and scaling
  • Continuous improvement

Digital twins and virtual commissioning in industrial production

Digital twins and virtual commissioning are key technologies in the field of industrial automation. At Manz, we support our customers in using these technologies effectively for digital transformation. We help manufacturing companies realize the benefits of virtual commissioning by creating a digital twin and using it to perform the commissioning of equipment and systems virtually first. This method minimizes the risk of downtime and errors during actual commissioning, as potential problems can be identified and resolved at the virtual stage.

Advantages for Engineering

  • Risk reduction: Risks can be significantly reduced by identifying potential problems at an early stage in the planning phase.
  • Comparison of planning scenarios: Different planning approaches can be simulated and evaluated to find the most effective solution.
  • Statements on output and overall effectiveness: Evaluation of the overall performance and productivity of production processes.
  • Visualization of production processes: A clear and understandable representation of complex processes facilitates planning and communication.
  • Quality assurance: Continuous monitoring and optimization of production processes improve the quality of the end products.

Advantages for Operations

  • Simplified commissioning: digital simulation allows problems to be identified and solved before the machine is put into operation.
  • Transparent change management: Changes to processes and procedures are easy to track and document.
  • Optimized machine sequence plan: More efficient design of production processes through precise planning.
  • Recognition of obsolete/unnecessary functions: Unnecessary or inefficient functions can be identified and removed.
  • Creation of function blocks: Increased efficiency through modularization and standardization of functions.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in digital production

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning play a key role in the digitalization of production facilities by enabling intelligent and efficient analysis of large amounts of data.

AI and machine learning are used to recognize patterns and trends in production data, enabling more accurate prediction of maintenance needs, production downtime and quality control. In connected manufacturing, AI systems use data from sensors and machines to gain real-time insights into the production process and optimize decision-making processes. Machine learning is also used to optimize production processes and resource utilization by continuously learning from the collected data and adapting to changing conditions.

This leads to greater efficiency, lower operating costs, and improved end products. AI and machine-learning play a key role in making production smarter, more flexible and more efficient.


Manz uses AI to increase the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of machines and production lines. We focus on four areas of application:

Quality control

We use artificial intelligence to improve the visual inspection of manufactured parts and to determine quality from sensor data and other data collected during production. A particular focus is on the quality control of laser processes.

Process optimization

We use artificial intelligence to optimize and automatically adjust process parameters and analyze the impact of various production parameters on the OEE of machines and production lines.


We use AI for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, i.e. to predict when a machine needs maintenance or when a component should be replaced. And thanks to anomaly detection, changes in the machine's condition are detected before production downtime occurs.

Resource Optimization

Our AI applications help to reduce energy consumption and operate systems efficiently.

smartPRODUCTIONKIT – the digitization solution from Manz

The smartPRODUCTIONKIT is the central software platform for monitoring and evaluating production data as well as the database and control center for our AI-based innovations. The platform integrates data from process modules from various manufacturers and makes it possible to evaluate this data both in real time and retrospectively. The former is particularly relevant in order to be able to react in good time to process-related events, e.g. axle position dependencies – a truly unique selling point.

One of the main functions of the smartPRODUCTIONKIT is to increase the availability of production systems and improve product quality at the same time. The system collects and stores machine and production data via the standardized OPC UA interface, which means that the smartPRODUCTIONKIT can also be used to monitor and evaluate production steps in process modules that are not from Manz. With its open development environment, the smartPRODUCTIONKIT software platform can be continuously expanded with new applications and functions. Users can use the solution both cloud-based and edge-based.

smartproduction kit

Our packages – the right solution for every company

The smartPRODUCTIONKIT is available in 3 different versions, which differ in functionality and available dashboards. The packages are designed in such a way that a later update to a package with a higher level is possible, e.g. to get more functions and possibilities.

Package Comparison sPK Frame PK Basic sPK Pro
Production Overview

Line Overview Generic
Line Overview Customized
Detailed Machines Overview
Detailed Line Overview
Main Overview



Machine View
Machine Overview, Health


Move & Maintain
Axis Distance Moved


Management View
Line Performance



Production View
Line Bad Parts, Uptime, Alarm Overview



Customer-specific Dashboards
Visualizations according to customer requirements


Project Order

Project Order


What are the main functions of the smartPRODUCTIONKIT?

The smartPRODUCTIONKIT aggregates, visualizes, and processes data from process modules from different manufacturers. The integration of the smartPRODUCTIONKIT for data analysis significantly increases the availability of systems and production quality. The platform enables data evaluation both in real time and retrospectively, which supports advanced IIoT applications such as predictive maintenance. This holistic solution therefore offers significant added value in the modern manufacturing environment.

What types of data can the smartPRODUCTIONKIT collect and analyze?

The smartPRODUCTIONKIT can collect and analyze almost all types of production data, including detailed process cycle data and data for real-time tracking and tracing of parts and workpiece carriers throughout the entire production process.

How easy is it to integrate the smartPRODUCTIONKIT into existing production systems?

The system securely and reliably integrates Manz machines into the production process via the industry standard OPC UA interface and is also suitable for integrating third-party machines.

Is the smartPRODUCTIONKIT suitable for SMEs?

The installation and operation of the smartPRODUCTIONKIT is extremely simple and ideal for medium-sized companies. The pricing model is geared towards machines, quantities, and customer benefits. Our customers can put the smartPRODUCTIONKIT through its paces free of charge during a test phase.

What security features does the smartPRODUCTIONKIT offer to ensure the integrity and security of production data?

The cybersecurity measures of the smartPRODUCTIONKIT follow a standard established at Manz that is based on IEC 62443 and the recommendations of the VDMA. The smartPRODUCTIONKIT's data interfaces are protected by certificates and passwords, as are the databases. Our customers can choose whether they want to use their data exclusively internally or grant Manz access to this data to help optimize their systems.

What key problems / challenges can companies overcome with the smartPRODUCTIONKIT?

Our customers use the smartPRODUCTIONKIT to optimize production efficiency, reduce downtime and maintenance costs, improve product quality and consistency, and increase operational transparency and decision-making, among other things.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!

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